Page 43 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 43
s the impact of COVID-19 touches
Aevery corner of the globe, Air
BP has supported communities across the Boeing-led Australian industry
globe in which they operate through a Ateam has presented the fi rst un-
number of initiatives. manned Loyal Wingman aircraft to the Roy-
In Australia Air BP worked with their pro- al Australian Air Force, a historic milestone
curement team to donate 35,000 N95 masks for the company and the Commonwealth.
to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) for The aircraft, which uses artificial intelli-
their frontline staff. The donation builds on a life-saving work during the pandemic. All gence to extend the capabilities of manned
long-standing relationship with the organiza- these services are charitable organisations Aviation Oil Co. has been working round the clock and unmanned platforms, is the first to be
tion which spans decades of providing bespoke that the company already supply with jet to maintain aviation fuel supplies for chartered designed, engineered and manufactured in
fuelling services. Air BP has been a national fuel. Yorkshire air ambulance and Great flights carrying medical and relief equipment to Australia in more than 50 years. It is Boe-
partner of the RFDS for the past three years. Western air ambulance receive fuel directly Wuhan and other cities in China. ing’s largest investment in an unmanned
Also in Australia, Air BP’s rapid response from Air BP, whilst Wales air ambulance and Jon Platt CEO Air BP said, “We are pleased aircraft outside of the United States.
helped to keep a Qantas Sydney to London Midlands air ambulance charity are supplied to be able to play our part in supporting our As the first of three prototypes for Austra-
‘Kangaroo’ route going after Singapore banned by Air BP customer Babcock International. communities during these difficult times. lia’s Loyal Wingman advanced development
stopovers in late-March. Air BP provided an In the US Air BP donated three million Our commitment to safe, reliable fuelling programme, the aircraft also serves as the foun-
average of 266,000 litres of fuel per flight at gallons of jet fuel to customers FedEx and operations remain unwavering and we’re dation for the Boeing airpower teaming system
Darwin airport, enabling aircraft to continue Alaska Airlines to support the timely deliv- grateful for the hard work of our front-line being developed for the global defence market.
on the historic non-stop 16-hour flight. ery of medical supplies and other essential Air BP operators who continue to enable us “This is a truly historic moment for Australia and defence industry more broad- “We are proud to take this significant step
to meet the needs of our customers.”
In France Air BP supported an initiative goods, such as food and mail, to areas of our country and for Australian defence ly. I look forward to exploring the capabil- forward with the Royal Australian Air Force
led by Aviation Sans Frontières, an aviation the US at the greatest risk for COVID-19. Air BP’s efforts form part of the wider innovation,” said Scott Morrison MP, prime ities this aircraft may bring to our existing and show the potential for smart unmanned
charity dedicated to providing humanitarian The company will also offset the carbon BP response to COVID-19, which includes minister of Australia. “The Loyal Wingman fleet in the future.” teaming to serve as a force multiplier,” said
assistance. The company donated 60,000 litres emissions of all donated fuel deliveries a (US) $2 million donation to the WHO’s will be pivotal to exploring the critical ca- More than 35 members of Australian Kristin Robertson, vice president and gen-
of jet fuel for flights that transported medical through the BP target neutral programme. COVID-19 solidarity response fund; pabilities our air force needs to protect our industry are supporting prototype work eral manager of Autonomous Systems for
staff and equipment between French hospi- supporting mental health across the UK; nation and its allies into the future.” across four Australian states. With a global Boeing defence, space and security.
tals. The flights were carried out free of charge IN CHINA, AIR BP HAS BEEN providing free fuel to UK emergency Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, chief of the “We look forward to getting the aircraft
when requested by medical authorities. With PROVIDING SUPPORT THROUGH service vehicles; providing discounted fuel Royal Australian air force, said the rollout market demand for highly capable but into flight testing and proving out the un-
more than 50 locations in France, Air BP is TWO JOINT VENTURES for first responders, doctors, nurses and of the first aircraft was a significant mile- extremely affordable unmanned aircraft, manned teaming concept. We see global al-
Boeing applied company-wide innovation
positioned to support this critical service. To date, the South China Blue Sky joint venture hospital workers in the US and donating stone in the Boeing Loyal Wingman project. to achieve those goals. The aircraft was lies with those same mission needs, which
In the UK, Air BP provided free jet fuel for has fuelled more than 800 epidemic relief and BP’s supercomputing capability to help halt “This project is an excellent example of engineered using a digital twin to model is why this programme is so important to
use by the helicopters of a number of UK repatriation flights. Meanwhile at Shenzhen the spread of the virus. Q innovation through collaboration and what its structures, systems, capabilities and full advancing the development of the Boeing
air ambulance services, supporting their Airport, staff working with Shenzhen Chengyuan can be achieved working together with life-cycle requirements; manufactured with airpower teaming system.”
defence industry,” said Hupfeld. Boeing’s largest-ever resin-infused single The Loyal Wingman prototype now
“This demonstrates the importance of
AIRLINES the relationship air force has with Boeing composite piece and assembled using prov- moves into ground testing, followed by taxi
en advanced manufacturing processes.
and first flight later this year. Q
port,” said BALPA in a statement. 15.2 percent. Seat load factors fell by just
“BALPA does not accept that a case has 4.3 percent, to 76.4 percent. IAG indicated CONNECTING NEW ZEALAND
ritish Airways has launched a been made for these job losses and we that much of the decline occurred during
Bconsultati on process likely to will be fighting to save every single one.” March. The group has cut passenger ca- bourne-Dubai flight rotations and a once a and other key exports from Auckland and
pacity by 94 percent in April and May.
result in 12,000 layoffs among its 42,000 Announcing preliminary results for the “In the last few weeks, the outlook for the week Dubai-Sydney-Christchurch-Sydney- Christchurch. We consider it our responsi-
staff. The move was confirmed in a first quarter, IAG said total revenues fell by aviation industry has worsened further and mirates SkyCargo has launched Dubai flight service operated by the carrier’s bility to ensure that we are able to facilitate
statement issued by the UK carrier’s par- 13 percent, to €4.6 billion (US) $4.9 billion, we must take action now,” said BA chief ex- Efour weekly cargo services to Boeing 777-300ER passenger freighters. adequate supply of food and other essential
commodities to markets that we serve and
ent group, IAG, which also owns Spain’s compared to €5.3 billion (US) $5.7 billion ecutive Alex Cruz in a statement headlined New Zealand from 3rd May 2020 to help Emirates SkyCargo will provide a vital cargo also support exporters in New Zealand at
in the same period in 2019. Mainly due to
Iberia and Ireland’s Aer Lingus. the impact of a €1.3 billion (US) $1.4 billion "Preparing for a Different Future." connect businesses in the country to key lane for the exports of high quality exports the same time," said Nabil Sultan, Emirates
The airline has requested talks with hit resulting from adverse hedging on “There is no government bailout stand- trading partners across the globe. from New Zealand including food items such divisional senior vice president cargo.
trade unions and it is unclear, for now, how fuel and foreign currency rates, the group ing by for BA and we cannot expect the The air cargo carrier is working with the as chilled meat, honey, dairy products and Emirates SkyCargo is operating dedicated
many of the company’s approximately incurred a pre-tax loss of €535 million (US) taxpayer to offset salaries indefinitely,” government of New Zealand as part of its seafood to various destinations in the Middle cargo flights on its Boeing 777 freighters
4,500 pilots and 16,000 cabin crew might $580 million. Its statement indicated that Cruz said. “Any money we borrow now will International Airfreight Capacity (IAFC) East and Europe. The flight service is also and Boeing 777-300ER passenger freighters
lose their jobs. Pilots union BALPA said it the majority of this loss was accounted only be short-term and will not address scheme to help facilitate the exports of key expected to help transport pharmaceuticals to more than 60 destinations across six con-
intends to oppose the proposed layoffs. for by BA. During the first three months the longer-term challenges we will face.” commodities from New Zealand to the rest and medical appliances to markets in the tinents. Through a mix of scheduled flights
“This has come as a bolt out of the of 2020, passenger capacity, in terms of Earlier this month, BA announced that of the world while ensuring that essential Middle East, Europe and Africa. and charter operations, the air cargo carrier
blue from an airline that said it was available seat kilometres, dropped by 10.5 it was using the UK government’s job cargo continues to be transported into the "Emirates SkyCargo is delighted to work has helped transport thousands of tonnes of
wealthy enough to weather the Covid percent during the first quarter, while retention scheme to furlough 22,626 country. Emirates SkyCargo will be oper- with the government of New Zealand to help vital protective equipment and food across
storm and declined government sup- revenue passenger kilometres declined by employees. Q ating three weekly Dubai-Auckland-Mel- connect fresh produce of the highest quality the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. Q
World Airnews | June 2020 World Airnews | June 2020
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