Page 38 - World Airnews Magazine March 2021
P. 38


                                  GREEN BENEFITS OF SATNAV

              he advent of full satellite-based
        Tnavigati on over the North Atlanti c

        will allow airlines to fly tracks between

        Europe and North America far more effi-
        ciently than those now organised by UK
        NATS and Nav Canada and which will result
        in considerable fuel savings and a dramatic

        reduction in CO² emissions.
         This is according to a new research paper

        that appeared in the scientific journal

        Environmental Research Letters. The paper’s
        lead author, Cathie Wells of the UK's Univer-  minimum air distance route and, therefore,   North Atlantic flight times considerably,

        sity of Reading, explained that air navigation   focuses solely on CO² reduction.   even compared with today’s most efficient

        service providers organise today’s routes   While other cost considerations come into   ATM tracks, said Wells.

        primarily to ensure safe operation and, to a   play when deciding on scheduling and flight   The study concludes that using time

        lesser extent, take advantage of winds.   paths, Wells submits those will become less   optimisation could result in a 0.7 percent

         Airlines request their preferred tracks   important once global authorities institute   to 16.4 percent reduction in air distance

        in the hours before a flight and the ANSPs   disincentives to emitting carbon.  through each daily wind field, depending

        create a daily track system that reflects the   “I think the most important thing is going   on flight direction and chosen ATM track.

        airlines' wishes as closely as possible.  to be that you're going to cut fuel to the   Considering the 3,833,701 seats provided
         Wells’s analysis shows how organising routes   minimum and thus cut carbon emissions to   between New York and London in 2019 and

        optimised for winds and, by extension, the   the minimum, and I don't think any airlines   the amount of CO² an economy class return

        distance flown by aircraft relative to the sur-  are going to argue with that,” said Wells.   flight between those two cities generates

        rounding air leads to more fuel efficiency and   “At the moment they're not being fined   according to ICAO calculations, the use

        helps airlines meet coming ICAO targets of two   for the amounts of carbon they're emitting;   of air-distance-optimised routing results

        percent annual reduction in CO² emissions.  there’s a new Corsia [Carbon Offsetting and   in a 1.7 percent annual reduction in CO²

         Recent research has centred on limiting en-  Reduction Scheme for International Avia-  for westbound flights and a 2.5 percent

        ergy output, rather than time. Other strands   tion] system that's coming out where they   reduction for passengers flying east. That

        of route optimisation have considered turbu-  can do carbon offsetting, but it is very likely   amounts to a total savings of 6.7 million kg

        lence avoidance and balancing the reduction   that it will not be long before pollution   of CO² over a 91-day period. Q

        of climate effects with time of flight. Wells’s   fines start to appear. So they're going to be

        paper identifies fuel and emissions savings   all too happy to save money on both fuel   Article courtesy: https://www.ainonline.

        for transatlantic traffic by calculating the   and whatever fines come into being.”  com/aviation-news/air-transport/

        excess air distance flown along the current   According to the study's findings, the use   2021-02-01/study-pinpoints-green-

        organised track system (OTS) relative to the   of wind-optimised tracks would reduce   benefits-satnav-over-north-atlantic

                                            related training programmes for airports   opportunities for travelling for business

                                            and airlines, as well as guidelines for the   or pleasure as any other passenger, any-

                 he International Partners for   seamless flow of passengers within airport   where in the world,” said Olumuyiwa Be-

          TAviati on Development, Inno-     terminals and airline boarding areas.  nard Aliu, founding president of iPADIS.

           vation and Sustainability (iPADIS) and   “iPADIS strongly believes that the avia-  “We were honoured to have been

           the Montreal-based Kéroul organisa-  tion industry long-term sustainability and   approached by iPADIS to co-operate in

           tions have agreed on a joint initiative   continued acceptability depends on the   formulating solutions regarding airport

                                            sector being sensitive to its social respon-
                                                                             accessibility. Our extensive track record

           to develop a global strategy aimed at   sibility and responsive to the needs of all   in training, evaluation and certification,

           improving accessibility to air transport   users. In this regard, our common vision   combined with the expertise and profes-

           for persons with disabilities.   is for the establishment of international   sionalism of our members, can contribute

            The three-pronged approach includes   standards and procedures to ensure that   significantly to enhancing the overall trav-

           the formulation of model national policies   all persons with disabilities, including a   el experience for persons with disabilities

           for the handling of passengers requiring   rapidly aging population in many parts   and the elderly,” said Isabelle Ducharme,

           assistance, accessibility assessments and   of the world, have access to the same   chair of the Board of Kéroul. Q
                                                  World Airnews | March 2021
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