Page 43 - World Airnews Magazine March 2021
P. 43

FEATURE          SAF

 would add another (US) $64.5 billion   place in the machine tool industry. In   productivity without major invest-  GREEN HYDROGEN OPENS

 throughout the decade.  early stages we’ll see some of the ob-  ments in new machine tools.

 •  Patrick Dunne Vice President Applica-  vious applications becoming common-  The goal is to improve factory process-

 tion Development, 3D Systems  place, such as predicting unplanned   es using the latest in artificial intelli-  NEW MARKET

 Many aerospace designers and   maintenance events before they occur.  gence, automation, and advanced work

 engineers have grown up in a world   The digital twin still needs develop-  holding to bring down costs.

 where 3D printing always existed and   ment to achieve significant market   The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to

 consider it to be a standard mode of   adoption. This technology will have an   light the immediate need for manufac-
 manufacture, not some emergent nov-  impact in the not-too-distant future.  turers to build greater responsibility,

 elty. Engineers at the cutting-edge of   Blockchain for manufacturing will pro-  flexibility, adaptability, and capability   ising demand for cleaner fuels

 problem-solving are turning to additive   vide secure communications amongst   into their manufacturing operations   Racross Europe's roads and skies is

 manufacturing (AM) tools to problem   teams in a world where cyber-attacks   and determine how well-positioned   opening market opportunities for utilities
 solve and enable step changes in prod-  are becoming increasingly pervasive.  they are to respond to future disrup-  and renewables developers eyeing a stake

 uct and platform performance.   Automation will become a must in most   ti ons.  in the green hydrogen economy.

 The fundamental value propositions of   shops. It can take many forms; it’s not   The current disruption is an opportu-  In France, utility Engie SA recently

 AM are now widely known, under-  just robots. Bar feeders, pallet pools,   nity to learn, improve, and reshape   announced the country's largest produc-

 stood, and appreciated. It’s fast, flexi-  and flexible manufacturing systems are   manufacturing for the future. The   tion unit for green hydrogen, made with

 ble, massively reduces part count, and   a few that increase productivity.  result will be a more effective and   renewable energy, at Total SE's La Mède

 by embracing the philosophy of design   In times of accelerated change, it’s   efficient system operating at a greatly   biorefinery. The former petroleum site

 for additive manufacturing (DfAM),   important to resist the urge to over-  increased pace.   makes hydrotreated vegetable oil, or HVO, a

 engineers can access levels of optimi-  complicate things. Get back to basics   •  Dr. Charles Krueger - CEO, BigLever   premium biodiesel produced with hydrogen.

 sation that are capturing the attention   and ensure your foundation is sound.   Software  HVO is considered engine- and cli-

 of strategic leadership teams within   Control the things in your control.  Digital twins, or virtual representations   mate-friendly and is increasingly derived

 many of the aerospace primes. Some   Focus on where you are in the contin-  of physical systems, are emerging as   from used cooking oil, rather than rape-

 of these initial expressions of advanced   uum of automation, using data, and   a key trend in aerospace engineering   seed or soybeans, or controversial palm

 design engineering have triggered a   understanding the drivers in your busi-  and manufacturing. By having a digital   oil which causes deforestation. Swedes

 surge in creative thinking that’s now   ness. 2021 will be a transitional year,   rendition of each product deployed,   Vattenfall AB and Preem AB are planning

 energizing the aerospace community.  preparing manufacturing to once again   organisations can further continu-  a similar project - an electrolyser unit at

 A small optimisation in design can   lead our economy to prosperity.  ously engineering initiatives, improve   Preem's Lysekil refinery in Sweden, which

 have a surprising impact on overall   •  Timothy Wachs - President, Hainbuch   efficiency and product quality, mitigate   also makes HVO. In Canada, Hydro-Québec   acteristics and rising emissions targets for   in the short term, with government incen-

 system performance. Ultra-advanced   America  potential loss, and monitor deployed   is also working on a green hydrogen biofuel   road transport set by the European Com-  tives and demand dictating future produc-

 cooling architectures designed into the   We are all in unfamiliar territory,   products.  project with technology from Germany's   mission, demand for HVO will grow through

 external skins of hypersonic systems   meandering through the path of   Digital twins can be combined with   Thyssenkrupp AG.  to 2030, according to the International   tion. But some airlines are already getting

                                                                                on board.

 enable capability previously consid-  uncertainty together. Each of us is   artificial reality (AR) software to   Energy Agency.

 ered impossible.  struggling with how we find common   simulate product variations and put   The refining sector, the first priority for   Finland's national airline Finnair Oyj is

 Letting recursive machine algorithms   ground moving forward in our personal   them through their paces to uncover   European lawmakers in the transition to   As fuel quality standards limit the amount   among the pioneers in the sector, pledging

 dynamically analyze and engage in   lives and within our unique business   potential incompatibilities or defects   green hydrogen, represents about half   of biofuel permitted in the diesel and   to blend more sustainable alternatives

 structural design iteration is gener-  challenges to get to the other side of   before a product is developed.   of the global demand for the fuel, using   gasoline sold at pumps, biofuels with high   into its kerosene mix to reduce emissions.

 ating complex structures lighter and   the COVID-19 pandemic.   Product line engineering (PLE) auto-  around 35 million metric tonnes in 2020,   emissions savings like HVO will be essential   Finnair expects to spend €10 million on

 stronger than anything possible with   A recent survey of manufacturers and   mates managing product variation and   according to S&P Global Platts Analytics'   to remain compliant with climate targets.  sustainable aviation fuel annually by the

 traditional approaches. Exploratory   job shops throughout North America   complexity across the engineering and   Hydrogen Market Monitor.   "Regulation on transport is becoming   end of 2025 and has teamed up with refiner
 side projects are becoming standard   showed that their number one priority   manufacturing lifecycle. Feature-based   Most of that hydrogen is produced with   tougher and tougher to comply with. It's   Neste Oyj, the world's largest supplier of
 methods of design and manufactur-  in 2021 is to improve ‘flexibility’ to   PLE adds a model-based represen-  fossil fuels.  important to be ready for this," Colas said.  the product, to help boost fuel supply.

 ing, and we expect to see AM become   reduce non-cutting times.  tation of the common and varying   "HVO is in the midst of a growth spurt.   But getting ready for large-scale green   Refiner Preem has a collaboration agree-

 a primary go-to for state-of-the-art   Throughout 2020, the common theme   features shared across the product line   There was a flurry of HVO news in 2020   hydrogen deployment at refinery sites is   ment with Swedish airline SAS AB, which

 optimisation.  is many companies saw an opportunity   with corresponding digital twins that   as several large refiners announced plans   no easy feat. The sector needs a reliable   also wants to use the fuel.

 •  Jim King President and COO, Okuma   to evaluate their current processes to   include all the features and materials   to enter this burgeoning field," said Corey   stream of the gas, so volatility from renew-  Engie is currently building a green hy-

 America Corp.  identify where they were still relying   contained in each product. For exam-  Lavinsky, director of global biofuels at S&P   ables generation will have to be managed.   drogen production unit at Neste's biofuel

 It’s time to take inventory of what   on outdated processes and where they   ple, a digital twin allows a manufactur-  Global Platts recently.  There are also fresh safety considerations:   refinery in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.

 we’ve learned and   could make improvements to increase   er to identify the exact configuration   As more refineries are converted from   Hydrogen is extremely flammable and   The biofuel-maker also invested in German

 what technologies   of an avionics system to   petroleum to biofuels, the demand for   refineries work at intense heat.  electrolyser company SunFire GmbH last

 will enable us to be   quickly identify which   bespoke green hydrogen solutions for HVO   The industry has developed some solu-  year, in a bid to develop green hydrogen

 more competitive   airplanes contain a   production is expected to follow.  tions already, but government subsidies are   solutions for the production of green syn-

 in post-COVID man-  particular feature to fa-  Spain's Repsol SA, for instance, has   still needed for projects like the venture at   thetic fuels.

 ufacturing.  cilitate fixes and improve   pledged to double HVO production to   La Mède. "With public money we will be   "Currently, sustainable aviation fuel of-

 Virtual communica-  quality control.  600,000 tonnes by 2030, and add green   able to go to bigger scale," Colas said.  fers the only viable alternative to fossil liq-

 tion tools increase   With Internet of Things   hydrogen to its processes.  ELECTRIC SKIES  uid fuels for powering commercial aircraft,"
 the speed of busi-  (IoT) sensors, manu-  HVO's strong emissions reduction creden-  Neste President and CEO Peter Vanacker

 ness. It’s not only   facturers can track the   tials can make it a profitable product, as bio-  Colas described the switch to renewable   said last year.

 possible to evaluate   status, use, and perfor-  fuels in Europe are valued and traded largely   hydrogen as a future-proofing of hard-to-  "Neste's sustainable aviation fuel is fully

 technology without   mance of each product   on the basis of their ability to avoid emis-  abate sectors.  compatible with the existing jet engine

 sending staff   and the overall product   sions. Switching from grey hydrogen, made   Aviation is one such sector, and HVO is a   technology and fuel distribution infrastruc-

 on the road, it’s   family. Continuous engi-  with natural gas, to green hydrogen shrinks   key ingredient in sustainable aviation fuel.   ture when blended with fossil jet fuel."

 sometimes more   neering can dynamically   the carbon footprint of the biodiesel further,   Greening the fuel mix is seen as the only   Renewable hydrogen developers are
 desirable. Even ma-  improve product fam-  meaning the fuel fetches higher prices.  way to reduce fuel-based emissions from   hoping to see the success of wind and solar

 chine runoffs can   ilies with updates and   "It makes plenty of sense to use renew-  jet engines.   cost reductions repeated with hydrogen.

 be accomplished   enhancements, as well   able hydrogen to make biofuels," said   "The growth of sustainable aviation fuels   "The question of when depends on the

 virtually.  as to effectively perform   Julien Colas, hydrogen developer in Engie's   will be tremendous; there are big things to   industry," Colas said. "Before 2030 it will

 Artificial intelli-  predictive and preven-  dedicated business unit.  come," Colas said.  be possible to have a large-scale positive

 gence (AI) has a   tive maintenance. Q
           Owing to its favourable technical char-  Lavinsky expected volumes to be smaller   business case in renewable hydrogen." Q
 World Airnews | March 2021                         World Airnews | March 2021
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