Page 49 - NEP Updated
P. 49


             SOCIAL STUDIES SKILL                                         REGIONAL PARTIES

          By studying about landforms, students learnt              Regional parties play a major role in
         about the diversity of our country, and gain an     strengthening federalism in a democratic country

        appreciation that motivates them to preserve it for     like India. They are the pillars on which the

          future generations. This  activity  help students      country stands and hence the students are
         begin to define the different types of landforms,

           agenda. It is truly a stupendous sight to see.     enriched with the constitutional laws and rules
                                                                             that hold the country.

                  NATIONAL LAW DAY                                       WORLD  HELLO  DAY

                                      Support the diverse academic, social,

                                      emotional, and communication needs
                                                   of all students.

     On the ‘National Law Day’ the students highlighted and     First impressions are important for a variety

       reiterated the values and principles enshrined in the      of reasons; greetings can be culturally
      constitution. An important part of the celebrations was   diverse and it's important for everyone to be

         the reading of the Preamble and reaffirming our
    commitment to uphold it. The day served as a reminder to   aware of this as they aim to communicate
     live by and promote these timeless values in the society.   positively.                             2
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