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           IIFBM ORIENTATION                                    RASHTRIYA POSHAN MAAH

       It is a sublime project, wherein students of Senior-      The students of DPS celebrated Rashtriya Poshan
       Secondary get a first-hand experience of the            Maah (RPM) is to ensure community mobilization and
       workings of the corporate world. Several                    bolster people’s participation for addressing

       Committees discuss intriguing agendas. Each IFBM       malnutrition amongst young children, and women and
       committee is engrossed in a lively debate on the            to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.
       agenda. It is truly a stupendous sight to see.

           WORLD PHARMACY DAY                                         UNITED NATIONS DAY

       World Pharmacists Day is dedicated to pharmacists for     United Nations Day is celebrated to commemorate
       the role they play in improving global health. On World    the day that 51 countries came together to promote
        Pharmacist Day several activities were conducted for   peace throughout the world post World War II.
         students organized to highlight the importance of
         medical experts and to make them understand the
      crucial role that a pharmacist plays in the medical world.

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