Page 131 - Dragon&Fairy in Poetry
P. 131
Thanh Thanh
Original “Mẹ Là Tất Cả” by THỦY
You are the eternal fresh stream I swim in;
The fragrant flowers to bloom that begin;
The marvellous bright moon all over the sphere;
The cool breeze into drought – what cheer!
The Great Buddha leading to enlighten me;
The needed rain for the dry desert – such glee!
The new luscious fruit on me trees bestow;
The honey milk that nourishes, helps me grow;
The holy incantation that brings me fortitude;
The sacred amulet that wards off evil, turpitude;
The tall evergreen offering shade jade green;
The well᾽s drinking water about it I am so keen;
The lately reaped rice that is in bumper crop;
The vast ocean with surf waves that never stop;
The remote deep forest nursing rain and shine;
The sweet lyric, melodious music vibrating fine;
The light from the solar system on all species;
The universe᾽s heaven and earth, life᾽s vertices;
You gave me the virtuous, altruistic, sane brain;
You, Mother, undescribable by words mundane,
You are all, everything of highest moral value;
Beloved Mommy! I᾽m solemnly grateful to You.
Translation by THANH-THANH