Page 144 - Dragon&Fairy in Poetry
P. 144
Dragon & Fairy In Poetry
Original “Vào Thu” by TRÚC
The sky has turned into autumn, hasn’t it, my dear?
Why no warm sun to warm blankets, blinds here?
Without sound the cold breeze is slowly to blow
With green glare why is there such human shadow?
What letter are you writing in the moon so ably?
Please help me achieve one and send it to Phoebe.
Beyond the ocean there've been devastated times,
The Milky Way’s become cold snow white climes.
I'm not aware of what’s familiar and/or strange.
Or the air and the land only belong to your range!
Whenever half the star is bright, half the star clear,
Then your gaunt autumn black glinting eyes veer!
Does it seem that when autumn returns leaves err?
Moving by means of each eye’s foot, hand’s finger,
Or of the breath within the domain of your hair
To walk after me, to follow me without my flair?
Oh, I have been in a divided mind, got lost, fit?
You have never mentioned the leaves would split!
The deer would not come back to the jungle gray?
The streams deserted, sky and earth swept away!