Page 75 - Dragon&Fairy in Poetry
P. 75

Thanh Thanh

                           THE OLD TIMES

                                           Original “Dĩ Vãng” by LÊ MAI

                There had been once I wrote rhymes,
                Painted pictures, sang songs, & danced oftentimes.
                I thought that life was as beautiful as dreams,
                Imagination so whole like aspired beams.

                The fruit being not ripe in its rawness unfit,
                I blamed myself for being naïve to hurriedly bite it.
                Even certain species though ripe but still sour,
                I held it against life for creating so many sorts dour.

                In pondering on the ups and downs,
                My heart grew callous, liquidating poetic grounds.
                Reality was a human world, dusty space,
                Soul cold, all visions succumbed bad, base.

                Now that I try to search back for my green grace,
                How strange! Is it myself or another’s face?
                Oh, I did have in the past a fine maiden existence;
                However, it has stridden over such a long distance.

                                           Translation by THANH-THANH

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