Page 48 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 48
A Works completed in the last Five years (Rs. In '000s)
Sl.No Name of work PH 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Manchiryal - Construction of Ty-II qtrs. for replacement of K
1 SW 2400
type qtrs.. B/No.10/1,23/1,8/48 & 23/8
Manchiryal - Replacement of type II quarters with type-IV
2 SW 1500
for SSE/P.Way'/Manchiryal
Improvements to Balconies and Sewerage system to staff
3 SW 825
quarters in KZJ-BPQ section.
SW Total 3900 825
4 Improvement to signage at all 'A' category stations. PA 125
Manchiryal: Construction of Hamali shed on goods
5 PA 1986
loading platform
MCI-Provision of IRS type COP 3 bays each on UP & DN
6 PA 8000
platforms at MCI towards KZJ end.
Raising of platforms Rail/Medium to high level under
7 PA 9,083
Sr.DEN/North section.
8 Provn. of monumental flag at Manchiryal station. PA 1080
PA Total 2111 8000 10163