Page 5 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 5
KAZIPET Category-NSG-3
A Works completed in the last Five years (Rs. In '000s)
Sl.No Name of work PH 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Kazipet: Provision of sand hump on common loop line -1
1 TF 3677
of Bypass line at Warangal end
2 Provision of Locally operated motor points at KZJ yard TF 18740
TF Total 3677 18740
ELS/Kazipet - Provision of night stabling facilities for 2
3 WS 2400
MEMU rakes at KZJ.
Kazipet-Provision of closed shed for General store with
gate, provision of open shed with AC roofing and
4 concrete flooring and provision of poly carbonate sheets WS 2400
in place of all transparent sheets on roof and damaged
glass sheets on side walls at DSL / Kazipet
DSl shed/KZJ - Improvements to the 140 T BD crane -
5 WS 4667
provision of mono block hoist with gantry.
Construction of new MEMU Pit line of 80M adjacent to the
6 WS 10487
existing MEMU pit line of 74.5M in ELS/KZJ shed area.
WS Total 2400 2400 10487 4667
KZJ- Provision of pipe line distribution for RO water from
7 DLS/KZJ to sector-III of KZJ colony with one GLR for storage SW 2950
including pumping arrangements.
KZJ- Provision of pipeline distribution from GLR to sector I &
8 SW 2950
II to distribute RO water.
9 KZJ – Air conditioning of Community Hall. SW 2995