Page 7 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 7

B     Works in Progress                                                                                (Rs. In '000s)
             Year of                      Name of work                                                                                REMARKS
              sanc                                                                  PH           Cost         TDC
                                                                                                                       Out of 56 indents, 55 placed and PO
                      ELS/KZJ -Creation of Maintenance facilities for homing of
              19-20                                                                 WS          28787        Mar'23    released for 39 items. Materials received
                      50 WAG-9 Locos at Electric Loco Shed/ Kazipet.
                                                                                                                       for 27 items.
                      DLS/KZJ : Infrastructure and Test set up at Diesel Loco
              21-22                                                                 WS          89416        Dec'22    Tender called
                      shed, Kazipet for homing electric

                                                                                    WS Total   118203
                      Proposed up gradation of carriage watering facilities                                            Civil work completed.  Booster pumps
              18-19   between Platform No.1&2 with booster pump at KZJ              PA           9564        Dec'22    received & to be fixed.

                                                                                    PA Total     9564
                      Kazipet jn~SC- Division -Proposed Upgradation of Poly                                            LOA Issued on 29.07.2022.  Foundation
              21-22                                                                OSW          24700        Dec'22
                      clinic into Sub-Divisional hospital at Kazipet                                                   Work  started.
                                                                                  OSW Total     24700

                                                                                                           Summary(Fig in Rs.000's)

                                                                                                  PH      Completed     In Progress     Total

                                                                                                  TF         22417           0          22417

                                                                                                 WS          19954        118203       138157

                                                                                                 SW          54754           0          54754

                                                                                                  PA         52212         9564         61776

                                                                                                 OSW         43980        24700         68680

                                                                                               G Total       193317       152467       345784
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12