Page 59 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 59
B Works in Progress (Rs. In '000s)
Year of Name of work Remarks
sanc PH Cost TDC
Mech- CNC surface wheel lathe
received on 12.10.20 and
commissioned on 02.01.21.
Remaining indents to be placed.
(Furniture, EOT cranes, platform truck,
Bellampalli Freight Depot- Creation of facilities for carrying out RTR, SWTR, tools)
18-19 WS 141247 Mar'24
maintenance of stainless steel wagons. Civil - The work is preclosed due to
paucity of Funds. Revised Estimate
with DSR2019 is prepared and sent
to Finance vetting on 14.09.2022.
Elec: Work will be executed on par
with civil Engg Works.
WS Total 141247
22-23 Installation of 32 OSOP stalls at 32 stations over SC Division PA 584 Mar'22 Work in Progress.
PA total 584
Summary(fig in 000's)
PH Completed In progress Total
TF 16863 0 16863
SW 1335 0 1335
WS 93281 141247 234528
PA 15109 584 15693
OSW 3199 0 3199
G Total 129787 141831 271618