Page 10 - e-Learning Module
P. 10

1.Factors Affecting

                                                               Population Size


      > To understand what is meant by environmental resistance
      > To list examples of biotic and abiotic factors which limit population growth
      > To explain the form of a typical growth curve

     A population is a group of organisms of one                Important  abiotic  factors  affecting  population
     species, living in the same area at the same time.         growth include:
     Environmental resistance                                       Temperature - higher temperatures speed
     By  taking  samples  and  counting  the  numbers  of           up    enzyme-catalysed        reactions     and

     organisms  in  a  particular  habitat,  an  ecologist  can     increase growth.
     study  how  any  factor  affects  the  size  of  the           Oxygen  availability  -  affects  the  rate  of
     population.  For  example,  a  woodland  manager               energy production by respiration.
     might wish to know whether thinning the trees in the           Light  availability  -  for  photosynthesis.
     wood  affects  the  population  of  low-growing  plants,       Light  may  also  control  breeding  cycles  in
     or a farmer might wish to know whether the time of             animals and plants.
     grass-cutting  affects  the  population  of  bank  voles.      Toxins and pollutants - tissue growth can
     These factors may be living (biotic) or non-living             be  reduced  by  the  presence  of,  for
     (abiotic).  Together  they  affect  the  rate  at  which  a    example,  sulfur  dioxide,  and  reproductive
     population  grows,  and  also  its  final  size.  All  the     success  may  be  affected  by  pollutants
     factors  that  affect  population  growth  and  size           such as oestrogen-like substances.
     together make up the environmental resistance.
     Some significant biotic factors that affect population     Growth curves and carrying capacity
     growth include:                                            When  a  small  population  begins  to  grow  in  a
         Food - both the quantity and the quality of food       particular  environment,  the  environmental
         are important. Snails, for example, cannot             resistance  is  almost  non-existent  -  there  may
         reproduce successfully in an environment low in        be  plenty  of  food  and  no  accumulation  of
         calcium, no matter how much food there is,             poisonous  wastes.  The  diagram  opposite

         because they need this mineral for shell growth.       shows      how      environmental        resistance
         Predators - as a prey population becomes               eventually  limits  population  growth,  and  the
         larger, it becomes easier for predators to find        environment  reaches  its  carrying  capacity.
         the prey. If the number of predators suddenly          Unless  the  environmental  resistance  is
         falls, the prey species might increase in number       changed,     perhaps     by    a    new    disease
         extremely quickly.                                     organism,  the  size  of  the  population  will  only
         Competitors - other organisms may require the          fluctuate  slightly.  Organisms  that  are  able  to
         same resources, such as food, from the                 maintain their population, or even increase it,
         environment, and so reduce the growth of a             must  be  well  adapted  to  their  particular
         population.                                            environment.
         Disease - often caused by parasites, and may
         slow down the growth and reproductive rate of
         organisms within a population.

           1         Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11
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