Page 13 - e-Learning Module
P. 13

2. Human Population Growth

      > To know that the evolution of humans from hunter-gatherers to permanent
          settlers caused changes in the environment
      > To understand the form of a human population growth curve

     Humans,  like  other  organisms,  must  find  food,        Growth of the human population
     shelter and a place to breed. The first humans were As with other organisms, the growth of the human

     hunter-gatherers  who  moved  from  place  to  place,      population  can  be  presented  as  a  population
     taking  what  they  needed  to  satisfy  these             growth. curve. The number of humans increases,
     requirements (but allowing the environment                 by reproduction, until the carrying capacity of
     to recover once they moved on). After the most recent      the environment has been reached. Humans have
     Ice  Age  this  method  of  living  became  more  difficult  the  ability  to  alter  their  environment  to  raise  the
     and  humans  began  to  settle  in  the  most  suitable    carrying capacity. Three major changes in human
     areas. This meant that the environment did not have        activities  led  to  significant  surges  in  the  world
     time to recover.                                           population  over  the  past  300  years,  as  shown

              Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11                                     4
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