Page 24 - e-Learning Module
P. 24

6. Human Impacts on the

                                                      Environment: Pollution

     > To understand that humans can alter their environment
     > To understand how changes in human population have altered our impact on the environment
     > To consider human impacts in terms of cause, effect and possible remedies

    Humans  already  are,  or  could  easily  become,  the       When  looking  at  pollution,  we  shall  consider
    most  significant  biotic  factor  in  every  environment.   three key points:
    Primitive  humans  had  a  temporary  effect  on  the            What is the cause?
    environment  -  hunting,  fishing  and  burning  wood  -         What are the effects?
    because  they  were  nomadic  and  allowed  the                  What are the solutions?
    environment periods of time to recover. After humans         Pollution of the atmosphere
    became cultivators and settlers (thousands of years          Two     big    problems      with    the    Earth's
    ago)  the  following  `effects'  on  the  environment        atmosphere are:
    gradually became noticeable:                                     the greenhouse effect
        The use of tools and the domestication of animals            production of acid rain.
        meant a more efficient agriculture.                      Burning  of  fossil  fuels  has  a  major  effect  on

        The greater need for shelter, agricultural land and      the  atmosphere.  The  combustion  process
        fuel  meant  a  greater  rate  of  deforestation  and    oxidises elements and compounds in the fuel,
        desertification.                                         as shown in the equations below.
        The  careless  use  of  pesticides  and  fertilisers,
        together  with  increasing  consumption  of  fossil
        fuels,  produced  problems  of  pollution.  These
        have  been  added  to  by  the  development  of
        nuclear energy sources.
    Humans may also have positive effects - we are able
    to use our skills and knowledge in conservation.
    Our demands on the environment

    Human  success,  measured  as  an  increase  in
    population  size,  is  largely  due  to  our  ability  to  solve
    complex problems and modify the environment for our          These oxides affect the atmosphere - carbon
    benefit.  This  places  great  demands  on  the              dioxide is a greenhouse gas and sulfur dioxide
    environment,  causing  changes  in  the  atmosphere,         and oxides of nitrogen contribute to acid rain.
    the aquatic environment and the land.                        The other major pollutant of the atmosphere
    Humans  have  also,  intentionally  or  otherwise,           is methane, produced by livestock (especially
    seriously  upset  the  balance  of  populations  of  other   during intensive farming, see page 265).
    living organisms.                                            There  are  also  localised  problems  with  lead
    Causes, effects and remedies for pollution                   compounds, and with smoke. The causes and

    Pollution  is  any  effect  of  human  activities  upon  the  effects  of,  and  possible  solutions  to,  each  of
    environment, and a pollutant is any product of human         these problems are outlined in the diagrams
    activities that has a harmful effect on the environment.     opposite.

          15         Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11
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