Page 27 - e-Learning Module
P. 27

Underwater Wonder


          Nuclear weapons
          Nuclear weapon tests that are conducted above ground or under water can release radiation
          into the atmosphere. A nuclear test is the explosive test of a complete nuclear warhead - some
          tests in the twentieth century were conducted in areas occupied by soldiers. Most of the troops
          ordered  to  take  part  in  the  testing  programme  were  not  equipped  with  any  specialised

          protective clothing. They were simply ordered to turn their backs or cover their eyes to avoid
          being blinded by the flash of the explosion. One former soldier remembers having his hands
          over his eyes but the flash was so bright that it acted like an X-ray and he could see all the
          bones in his hands.
          Exposure to radioactivity frequently leads to various forms of cancer, including leukaemia. The
          troops  involved  have  suffered  much  higher  cancer  rates  than  normal.  However,  because
          cancer may take years to develop, it is difficult to prove that a particular case is linked to a
          particular cause.

              Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11                                     18
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