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A sustainable resource is one which is produced
as rapidly as it is removed from the environment,
so that it does not run out.
We must aim for sustainable development.
This means that we should not alter our
environment so much that we take things away
and harm the environment for future
generations. We should still provide for the needs
of an increasing population.
Conservation Programmes Captive breeding and the role of zoos
Conservation involves management of an area, Many animal species are threatened by habitat
and may include a number of strategies: degradation, fragmentation and destruction.
Preservation - keeping some part of the The International Union for Conservation of
environment unchanged. This might be Nature (IUCN) estimates that only 3% of the
possible in Antarctica, but is less significant in planet is designated as a protected reserve and
a densely populated area like Britain than ... that, on average, one mammal, bird or reptile
Reclamation - the restoration of damaged species has been lost each year for the last
habitats such as replacing hedgerows or hundred years. Certain groups of species are
recovering former industrial sites, and ... particularly at risk -those with a restricted
Creation - producing new habitats, for distribution, those of high economic value,
example by digging a garden pond, or planting those at the top of food chains and those which
a forest. breed very slowly.
Zoos are areas of confinement keeping
A conservation plan involves several stages: samples of species alive under varying degrees
sampling to assess the number of organisms of captivity. The role of zoos in captive
devising a management plan - for example, breeding is becoming more and more
trying to increase a species' population based important. For example, the Arabian oryx had
on knowledge of its breeding requirements been hunted to extinction in the wild but zoos in
carrying out the plan London, San Diego and Phoenix have provided
re-sampling to assess the number of the animals to release in Oman and Jordan.
`conserved' species once more, and find out Education can help.
whether the conservation plan has worked. Local people can be taught about the tourist
value of conserving species.
As populations decrease in size, genetic variation Students can be taught about keeping
is reduced and a species may become more complex food webs and about the
vulnerable to environmental change. management of habitats.
Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11 30