Page 30 - PARA A & PARA B
P. 30

The Institution/College conducts a review on                               the
                            statement of the Vision and Mission as well as its
                            goals and program objectives for the approval of

                            authorities concerned.

                                                       Republic ollhe Phnlpplnes
                                                     ISABELASTATE UNl\ilERSITY
                                                          Echag1,e, llsabel

                                                  0 1 Ff lCEOF THEEXECUTIVE OFFICER

                                    MEMORANDUM No. 004, s. 2021
                                    TO:          AlL DEANS AND HEADS OF OFFICES
                                                 Thl:, Campu.;
                                    F"ROM:       Executi11e Officer
                                    SUBJECT;     As stated
                                    DATE:        April 21, 202.1

                                         The camp u will craft lls Three-Year Strategic Development Plan IC enhanoe
                                     and eflectlvel ir address the needs and imp rovetrna.nlS on the dlff,erent Key Resull
                                     Areas, namaly: lnslructlon; Research and Developmen;t Extension and Train ing;
                                     General Administrative a,nd Support Services; and Resouroe Generation and
                                     Management of the campus.
                                         In view hereof, you .,1r e hereby directed to attend e  C.impu,, Strategic
                                     Plan, nl ng Workshop ta be herd on Friday, Apri l 23, 2021, 9:00 AM via Zoom. Your
                                     attendance to the salcl workshopIs nlgnly soughtrorto allgn each otnoelcollege lo 'the
                                     DevelopmentPlan e>fthe ea.rnpus.
                                         Fe>rlnrormatlon and strfct.compliance.

                                     Mee ting 10: 670 3237 9466
                                     Passcode:  704141

                               E.lrodll'l1r, Au!;iu•I 1C, 21J1
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