Page 31 - PARA A & PARA B
P. 31

I...1          The Institution/College conducts a review on                               the

                            statement of the Vision and Mission as well as its
                            goals and program objectives for the approval of
                            authorities concerned.

                                                                 Prayer:                 DvarturD
                                                                 fllll.111) 81 Anlh •m:  Q n ,rtY! I
                                                                 ISi.i Hymn:             Ov111rtur•
                                                                 Acknowledge of Pa rticlpe.nls
                                                                 Open ing Me ssage :     ,DR. RICMAR P. AQl!IIN•D
                                                                                         Univnrsll y President
                                                                                         D•R. JOHN N. CABANSAG
                                                                                         Exoc,ull\le O!ficer, Echaguo
                                                                 Workshop Faclll1a10r:   CONSlANiE G. MEDINA
                                                                                         Pl,annlng Director
                                                                                         E.NGR. RAPHY A. SIIGIUE
                                                                                         Campus Planing, Officer
                                                                 Workshop Proper: Morning Se·•• lon
                                                                         □   S.ltu• ,llan A.u • • • rn• nlJE.nvlron ,manlall Sc anning
                           Echagua C'ampua                               □
                          APRIL 23, 2021 (FRIDAY}                            SWOC Am1ly1I,
                               9:00 A.M.                         L u n eh b r H k
                               Via ZOO·M

                                                                         D   l'offllulr11Uon <>fVielon, Min ion, Go■I• iand
                                                                             ObJacUv ot■
                                                                         lJ    Kar  P'■rfa rm:1111c ■ Indicator•
                                                                         t:l  Logh:,al Framow ·a,rk Matrilx
                                                                 Closing Mess.age:       DR. J})HN N. CABANSAG
                                                                                         Campti•  E X!IICUII V9•Ottlcar
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