Page 15 - IIA MAGAZINE_March 2017_English
P. 15

Interviews - FA

In the corporate context, what is              Profession study (the “Study”) showed a    “  So what are the characteristics
your definition of a leader?                   correlation between strong Internal Audit     of an effective Internal Audit leader?
While you’re unlikely to find a single         leadership and the ability of the Internal
definition of what is a leader, I would        Audit Department to add value and deliver     While an effective Internal Audit leader
define a leader as someone who has an          strong performance. When stakeholders         has many notable characteristic, my top
inspiring vision for his company and is        perceived the Chief Audit Executive as an     three characteristics would be:
able to effectively manage and motivate        effective leader, in over 90% of the cases    1)	 Strategic thinking: This involves
his subordinates to work hard and align        they viewed the Internal Audit Department
themselves with that vision. This requires     as a value adding and high performing              looking at the big picture of the
the leader to have both high levels of         function.                                          organisation and the Internal Audit
integrity as well as emotional intelligence.                                                      Function. Like any corporate leader,
                                                 “ Internal Audit                                 the Internal Audit leader needs to
How has PwC developed leaders                                                                     develop a vision for the Internal Audit
in the Middle East region?                         leaders who invest                             Department which is aligned to the
PwC is one of the largest companies in             in themselves gain                             company’s strategy and stakeholders’
the world. We are a market leader in the           the respect of their                           expectations. This is not done
Middle East who have been in the region              stakeholder and                              through a Three Year Internal Audit
for over 40 years and we employ over                                                              plan - one needs an actual strategy
4,000 professionals across 12 countries and          are a source of                              document, with objectives and key
work with the region’s largest and most             inspiration to their                          measures which feed into the annual
prominent entities. We have used this                team and peers                               and long term Internal audit plans.
position of strength to attract and retain                                                        Without this characteristic, internal
the best and brightest individuals in our      How do stakeholders                                audit leaders cannot achieve strategic
region. We’ve leveraged our global career      perceive the value internal                        alignment.
progression framework to provide our           audit provides?                               2)	 Communication skills: Internal Audit
staff with opportunities for international     The 2017 Study which we just released              leaders need to clearly communicate
assignments and experience. We’ve also         shows a negative trend in stakeholders’            their ideas to engage stakeholders, to
actively promoted board and executive          perceptions of the value provided by               highlight key risks to the business and
education through events and through           Internal Audit. This year only 44% of              to manage staff. These leaders use
client projects. Also, we’ve invested heavily  stakeholders believed their Internal Audit         their powerful communication skills
in training GCC nationals, both clients and    Departments provide them with value                to exert influence beyond the Internal
staff, to prepare them for future leadership   compared to 54% in 2016. When we                   Audit function and to enthusiastically
roles. I strongly believe that PwC has made    dug a bit deeper we found out that even            promote positive change.
a powerful and sustainable impact on           the Internal Audit Departments which          3)	 Develops talent: This is about more
leadership capabilities in the Middle East.    add value are expected to provide even             than building your team’s skill but
                                               more value each year. This means that              about building the right skills that
Do you believe there is a correlation          an effective Internal Audit leader should          align to the business and Internal
between the value that an internal             not be satisfied with the status quo and           Audit’s vision! This also means
audit function generates and the               should continue to evolve and meet, as well        leveraging external resources as
effectiveness of its leader?                   exceed, stakeholders expectations.                 necessary to meet the organisation’s
Absolutely and this is not just my opinion.                                                       needs and to facilitate knowledge
Last year’s PwC State of the Internal Audit                                                       transfer to your team where required.

15 INTERNAL AUDITOR - MIDDLE EAST                                                            MARCH 2017
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