Page 256 - CRS Engineering
P. 256


                                                                   Annexure II
                                       PROFORMA forsubmission ofR.A.T INSPECTION REPORTS

                   1   General particulars orKAi                   ^SUBBAMMA CHERUVU
                    1  Name ofthetank                              'ataoo4ioooPAK
                    2  Tank Code  ^                               _^CHrrrooR  _ _
                     3  District  ^ _                               Kutamavari palliKV^ Puthalapattu Mandal
                     4 Name of village S^MandaL                       24' 22"  & 79° 10' 20"
                     5^ Latitude^ojigitu^                         ' i 629 KM 54/5-9
                     6 Afficted Ranv«y_Bridg^& KM                   SSE PW CTO PTT-PAK
                    -7 "Railway^ctio-ian^^-^^
                                                                    3 KM
                        Nallahl        - .
                        Standard Hydraulic Details  „
                                                                    0^266 Sq.Miles
                        Catchment Area
                                                                    ^1.36 Mcft
                        Capacity of the Tank                           341.68 M
                        Lowest Be^Level^                               343.51 M
                        •Full Tank Lev^FTLO.                           343.81 M
                        Danger Leye[ (pL)
                                                                    '  345.32 M(Proposed)
                        Top ofBund Level (T^)  _                     + !0 M(3.00M Proposed)
                        Top width ofBund
                                                                    I + 3nt 1.5:1  Rear 2:1
                         Side slopes                                06 M.Sq.feet 0.126 M.Sq.M
                         Area of submergencejt^FTL
                         Area^fsu^erS^^^iAt               ——
                         Area or 5ULmic>ycijv^^vj_.^^-—
                        'Are t'here anyjanksjiUhe cat^menj ofthes^ta^nji^
                        'Ar^thP^Ptenksalso classifed a^RAT^^^        No
                      14 "Mamps &Details of these tan^ks
                      TII  Surplus weir           -                  INo.
                      1  No. ofsurplus weirs  __ .         -
                      2 Lengths o^surplus weirs                      Masonry weir
                      3 Types of^rplus weirs
                                                                     208 Cft./Sec. or 5.89 CUM/Sec
                      4  Design^isch^ge
                      IV  Sluice                     ——
                         Nq^of Sluices                               R/s
                         Loc^ion ofSluices
                         Maximum Design Discharge
                         Function^ qr^Not
                         A. Inspe^o£iJ^^|
                        ' i)Date ofinspection  -      , ,            SroSaJendra Pr.sad, Dy-E^E, KO • =°       ®
                          ii) Name &Designation of Inspecting Officials  .cwttoor, sn H.ttader Balg , A.E.E, Imgatm secl.on
                                                                     'puthalapattu &   Sri M.N.Krishnappa, A.D.E.N, Pakala,
                                                                     |Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.
                         iiii) If fhP tank qualify for classificjtion as RAT
                         1B.Tank Bund
                          1) Is the Toplevel ofthe Bund uniform and as per the standards I
                          jj) Is the Top_wi^oLthe Bund as per the standards  Jes
                          iii) Are  tne  siqpes  db  (jci .i'
                          iii) Are^he slqpe£as per the standards—
                          iv) Any^Dangerous gullies or scqure of the Bund  :No.
                          C. Surplus Weir
                          i) Condtiqn     _                           yes
                          ;ii) Is theJenglhladquate fqr D^n Discharge
                          ;iii) Is DangeiM.evel Marked ?
                          iD.Conditiqn of the Sluices                 l^r

                                     gineE-BiiiSSStion              "hXi     with Name &Designation ofIrrigation Official
                                                                         utiva tngiti««f»
                                                                 Irrigation Section,

                        Asst. D'V Engineer                                               DEPUTY-EXECUTIVE ENGSNEEli
                               / S.C. Railway                                           IRRIGfi SUB-DIVIN. G.D.NELLORE @
                      • fS^Mf^/TIRUPAT!                                                          CHITTOOR.
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