Page 108 - Then Came the Glory
P. 108

 Then Came the Glory
A noted wizard in Hagerselam deceived people for
twenty-one years. They came from different places to bow before him and he exploited the fifty to a hundred people
who came to consult him daily. Some days he slaughtered
twenty cows going through his weird rituals. One day his gods rejected him, refused his sacrifices, and several of his wives and children died suddenly, leaving him with one wife and a daughter. In desperation he went to a more famous wizard seeking mercy from his gods. The man told him, "It would be good for you to believe in only one God."
Immediately, he went to a nearby Apostolic Church and pled with the pastor, "Please tell me about faith in one
The pastor answered from the Word of God; the beautiful story of Jesus the Savior, who gave His life to redeem sinners, and now commands everyone to be baptized in His name. The ex-wizard believed and after his baptism
according to Acts 2:38, the preacher went home with him to
pray for his wife and daughter who hung between life and death. Both of them received healing and his wife instantly
got up to show customary hospitality to their visitor!
Since the wizard had been extremely popular, his conversion shook the whole community and the believers glorified the Lord. More than one hundred people have been baptized in the name of Jesus because the wizard and his
family followed Jesus.
Paulos Wojogo did not read well, but he became a
forceful witness after receiving a revelation of the truth and
brought many trinitarian churches to righteousness. He lived in a dangerous place, the boundary of Arsi and Sidamo
where people fought to the death over grazing land. Since Paulos brought the gospel that opened a door of peace, he is

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