Page 116 - Then Came the Glory
P. 116
Tlwn Came the Glory
healed at the Apostolic church; they brought her September
11, 1992 and she received instant healing and a restored mind through prayer. Today, she is normal and happy living
a spiritual life.
Metto Fakie slept in the streets and wandered yelling
through the villages and the bush during his twelve years of
insanity. When he stabbed himself in the stomach with a
sharp knife, his family took him to the hospital until the woimd healed, and then brought him to Hagereselam where
strong prayers restored his mind and saved his soul in 1990. This inspired the beginning of a new church at Awara Galade
with no less than 130 saints.
The SIM started in Wollayta before the Italian invasion in 1926, and have a membership of approximately one million. Because they are more civilized and better educated than most of us, they have considerable power under the Derg Regime in the towns and peasant associations. The SIM priests, determined to keep the monopoly on religion, have bitterly opposed the churches established by our brothers. They bribed the Derg to close our churches and caused Dawit and others to go to jail. Brother Dawit seemed to spend most of his time getting arrested, thrown in jail, and being released.
They closed the church built by Brother Wendell in Gachano and. confiscated the property of Brother Dibessa,
took the church's roofing, and arrested him. They tried to send Hezkiel and other young men to the battlefield which could only be avoided by paying an escalating bribe starting at 100 Birr and finally went to 500 Birr. Those who could