Page 114 - Then Came the Glory
P. 114
Then Came the Glory
reyetaore belite hare fushinoho." Translated it means, "Jesus is peace to the burdened and life for those who taste death."
A powerful demon possessed Merekie Samego and
though his family travelled far and wide, they could find no
help for him. After prayer at the Leku church the demon abandoned him and he followed the Lord in baptism and
received the Holy Ghost. With his life changed, his whole
family and many friends became converted. Because of this two new churches have been opened at Dilla Olkana and
Allawo; each enjoys great revival and have more than two hundred souls.
The wife of Zeneke Bolka stepped out of her house at 9:00 P.M. in 1989 and Satan, in the form of a man, attacked her and threw her at the door and ran away. She screamed, "The man has killed me. Help! Help!" Her husband grabbed a knife and chased the man-like figure for an hour; then as he disappeared in thin air, he realized, "This is not a man; it is a demon."
When he returned home, he found his wife, with her
mind confused and her right wrist broken, still lying on the
ground. His neighbors helped him carry her to Leku church, and with prayer her wrist instantly became whole and the
demon departed. She obeyed Acts 2:38 and her husband followed her example. Now, many more souls have found the Lord through this remarkable deliverance.
Bekele Woldemeskel, a faithful deacon in the Orthodox church had a yearly feast honoring Gabriel, usually
killing ten oxen to feed the people who came. One day when he returned from celebrating the ark of Gabriel, a rampaging
demon entered him and he went wild. He burned his house down and killed his cattle, then his body began to swell
horribly. His family tied him on a bed and brought him to 102