Page 113 - Then Came the Glory
P. 113

with chains. On January 30, 1988 they brought him to Leku
Apostolic church and one prayer delivered him from Satan's
power. He returned to work normal and well, and his
testimony has converted many lost souls.
Burnt by hot metal rods, Senbaba Sewaku suffered
from maggot-infested wounds that would not heal for many
years. The odor from his infections kept everyone at a distance. He tried holy waters, local medicines, and
hospitals. Nothing helped. Exhausted by suffering and treatment that didn't work, he made his last will and
testament thinking death would claim him soon. Instead, someone took him to Leku Apostolic church for prayer. Within a week he not only received total healing for his body, but found full and free salvation for his soul. The church reaped another harvest of souls as a result of this miracle.
Her body bowed and trembling so she could not walk
unaided, Kun Tsegaye endured possession by Satan for twenty-six years. The custodians of holy waters, wizards,
magicians, and hospitals all pronounced her case hopeless. She lost her money and property and became a lonely
derelict without hope. Her family heard that a demon
possessed niece who had been in and out of jail for years had found deliverance at the Leku church, so they brought Kun. The prayer of faith cast out of her forty demons who left
screaming. Then Kun, her trembling gone, stood straight, got
baptized at once and received the Holy Ghost.
On September 30,1988 four-year old Demelash Jigso
choked on his food and died at ten A.M. and word of his death spread through the village. When prayers touched heaven he came back to life two hours later and the Lord sang this song through him; "Yesus breho Nazerethun ho

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