Page 111 - Then Came the Glory
P. 111

At home, the Lord spoke to him to read the book of
Acts, and when he opened the Bible his sight returned. As he read from the first chapter to the last, he understood the
apostle's doctrine is true and encouraged his family to accept the truth.
Bolka has the problem of two wives and refused to be baptized with his first wife as the church leaders instructed him, but he never misses a service. His first wife has received the Holy Ghost, though is not yet baptized. The new church in Midregenet has 270 members and they rejoice
knowing God can do the impossible.
Bozalech Borja led the Saint Mary's Fellowship of
the Orthodox church and enjoyed honor and respect from all its members. After she became severely paralyzed in 1989, her family took her to many places of holy waters in search of healing to no avail. Finally they brought her to Leku Apostolic church, where God instantly healed her and she received the Holy Ghost when the pastor baptized her in Jesus name for remission of her sins.
When the Saint Mary's Association heard of her
healing and conversion, they called her husband in and warned him, "We will cancel your membership and take
your name out of the benevolent society unless you forbid
your family to go to that Pente church. Also, when you die,
you will not be buried."
"How can I lose a graveyard and have my name
spoiled and cancelled from the association in the place where I have lived, respected by all the people for so long? he
asked his wife. "This cannot be. So starting from today, none of my family is allowed to go to the mission church." From that time he began persecuting his wife and his children, but they held fast to the truth.

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