Page 118 - Then Came the Glory
P. 118

 Then Came the Glory
about it, dug up the body, and buried it openly in the
graveyard shaming their error.
A merchant listened to the evil one's voice who first
told him, "Fast, imtil I tell you to stop;" and then later,
"Don't eat any more food for it grows in the earth that is
cursed." When the horrible stench impelled his neighbors to
break down his door to investigate, they found his body
disintegrating. He had used his money—about 15,000 bir as toilet paper.
If our lives are not based on truth and the Apostles's doctrine, we are in danger.
Every conference held in Wollayta has been opposed by the other churches which schedule meetings to keep people fi-om coming to us. They never stop trying to hurt me. We booked the stadium for our December, 1992 conference. Some of them hurried to get it on our dates, but the administrator said, "You cannot have it, we have given it to the Apostolic church."
Upset and angry, they called for their prophets to prophesy against us. They proclaimed loudly, "I will disperse them with snow and thimder and will kill them."
When the day came, snow, thimder, and rain came but the wind blew it all away with no harm done. The people of the town said, "What a wonderful thing!" while the false prophets hung their heads in shame.
Satan attacked Mulu, a tenth grade student and member of the Full Gospel Church. She lay on her bed unable to speak in January 1986. Sister Aberash Godano heard of her plight and called us. When we prayed in the
name of Jesus, He delivered her.
Sister Emote (my wife) and I became seriously ill
with a disease that sometimes seemed like malaria, other 106

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