Page 119 - Then Came the Glory
P. 119
times like typhoid or pneumonia. Everyone in the Sodo church prayed for us, but twice we had to rush Sister Emote to the hospital. Medications did not help. After battling for a month I decided we needed extra prayer; I called Sister Erkenesh and she promised to gather the saints to intercede for our healing. Both of us recovered completely the same night and could go on with our ministry.
Terefe Tesfaye suffered such an assault from the devil that he lost his mind and his family took him to an Orthodox Monastery for a month. When this failed to cure him, they looked for charity to take him to a place of holy water in Yirgalem. Someone witnessed to him, and he decided to come to us. It took him three hours to stagger one kilometer to the church. He trembled as he told us about his
problems, but they ended a few minutes later when we rebuked the devil who came out of him screaming. With
complete healing, he desired baptism and received the Holy Ghost and became a blessed brother in our church. His wife and children have wholly followed the Lord because of his transformation.
Forty-six year old Tseghe Tadesse became possessed
by Satan in her childhood in Sellale province, Shoa Region, where she grew up. She suffered all those years and made
life miserable for her husband, Gutta Garedew, a driver for Sodo City council. His unhappy home life made him eager to obey the good news of the gospel. Coming to be baptized, he brought his very sick wife for prayer. When we rebuked the devil, he answered boastfully about the way he had afflicted her; however, by the power in the name of Jesus he had to depart. Both of them received the power of God and
today Sister Tseghe Tadesse is one of our faithful leaders in the Ladies Auxiliary.