Page 125 - Then Came the Glory
P. 125
the elders of the church met together three days a week for
intercessory prayer and God gave us a promise, "I will bring
again the captivity of Jacob's tents."
On April 3, 1988 after the Sunday morning service,
an urgent call for afternoon prayer brought half of the saints with their children back to pray. A sudden heavy rain
accompanied by strong, cold wind struck us and with one consent we took our only alternative and rushed in the
church hall. Never had the Spirit fallen on us as it fell for the next hour—resurrection day for Sodo Church!
From that day we have worshiped the Lord freely in our church and our numbers increased from day to day to the extent we had to hold services in shifts. The work that started in 1976 with five reached five hundred in 1987. Growth did not come easy. The Sodo Church went through water and fire, but we thank God who brought us through with victory.
I pastored this work for thirteen years. Let me share some of the miracles Jesus did.
Once in jail, a policeman named Wolday had a serious ear infection. He took me out of my cell and told me about his problem. I poured a few drops of water in his ear
and prayed for him; Jesus healed him that night.
While Brother Mengistu and I shared a prison cell,
the chief of the prisoners (also a prisoner) hated us and
constantly abused us verbally. When he became deathly ill, we prayed for him and Jesus healed hun. Another day, he
wakened me at 2:00 A.M. and took me to a prisoner
hovering at the point of death. I laid my hands on him and rebuked the disease in the name of Jesus and daylight foimd
him well. A demon-possessed and very sick prisoner disturbed everyone screaming with nightmares until we cast