Page 126 - Then Came the Glory
P. 126

 TtKn Came the Gloty
the devil out of him and prayed till healing came.
A Orthodox church leader and retired judge rejected the gospel when he heard it and immediately demons
attacked his daughter. He took her to the monastery where the monks and workers prayed for her twenty days with no
results. He called us to his house and deliverance came that
day when we called on the name of Jesus.
Sister Wudnesh Takesso's arms and legs first became
extremely cold, then useless, but prayer in the name of Jesus fulled restored her in 1987.
A doctor's eleven year-old daughter, Fetlework
Deboch, suffered debilitating bouts of high fever from the
age of eight, though her father took her from doctor to doctor and hospital to hospital without finding a cure or a
cause for her illness. Her mother secretly wrapped her in a blanket and carried her on her back to die church and one
simple prayer made her completely well.
Brother Bezuayehu Wolde Micheal, a university
student, came to Sodo during vacation to spend the night with a relative. During the night sword-sharp pains pierced the right side of his body from his chest to his loin. I answered their call the next morning. With anointing oil and prayer in the name of Jesus instant healing came.

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