Page 13 - Then Came the Glory
P. 13
"Ethiopia first without blood shed!" Men inspired by dreams of democracy proclaimed the slogan loudly as they
seized and caged in chains their cruel long-time Emperor, Haile Selasse, in 1974. His grand titles, King of Kings, Elected by God, Conqueror of the Lion of Judah, did not save his life, and the people rejoiced in waves of hope for a
brighter future. With the Emperor's decree agai^t the Pentecostals in 1971, they appropriately changed their name to Apostolics. Now, they reckoned the decree died with the Emperor and in jubilation the Apostolics anticipated freedom to worship and propagate the Gospel. Litle did they realize the depths of anguish that lay ahead.
Even as the people dreamed of liberty to bun a
beter land, the military hijacked the peoples' revolution an ^ commandeered the government. Men trained only to
and kil formed the ruling Committee known as the Derg with Menguistu Hailemariam at the helm. ,
These fanatical communists launched the era ca e "Red Terror", vast enough in scope to be rightly labeled e African holocaust. They subjected the Ethiopian people to a