Page 15 - Then Came the Glory
P. 15

 Backdrop of Horror
known as Abba the Libanos, qualified in intrigue and murder to suit their purpose, member of a newly formed group in Addis Ababa, called Association of the Clergy. They rode roughshod over canonical objections and made him a Patriarch, called Archbishop Merkorious and transferred him to Gondar forcibly replacing a staunch opponent of "Red Terror" policies. The spurious Archbishop received high honors from his creators for the massive uprooting of Ethiopians and relocating them far from the community of their birth with such flagrant loss of life, the international community intervened to stop it.
The Archbishop made it his mission to turn
Ethiopians into cogs and robots devoid of past and
experience, a machine without the capacity for inquiry and critical thinking. Subservient robots willing to carry out
repeated orders without questions. If all his shameful and
tragic deeds could be recorded they would fill volumes of books. With the overthrow of communism, the Archbishop became an exile in another African country where he continues to deceive the unwise.
The Bible states explicitly. Whoso sheddeth blood, by men shall his blood be shed Those who planned, pointed their fingers, and perpetrated this senseless bloodshed have since sufered severe agonies. They have been penalized and compelled to drink the bitter cup of death wherever they fled. Others died in horrible torment.
Thinking the Ethiopian military government had weakened, Somali began a war for possession of the Eastern
region of Ethiopia, temporarily distracting the Military Government's opposition of most religions. The war
provided relative rest for the believers, though the Derg continued the persecution until organized and armed

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