Page 17 - Then Came the Glory
P. 17
When the PMAC saw that EPLF and EPRDF controlled all of Wollo, Gojjam, and Shoa provinces, and realized they could possibly capture the capital city, Addis Ababa; they devised a secret plan to start warfare between different peoples and different religions.Though aimed mainly at fte Orthodox church and Islams, they included the protestants and meant Tekle's group to be the first victims.
The Military Government set a two-fold campaign
against religion and faith, including plans to change large monasteries and churches to museums, to destroy books, clerical robes, and instruments of mass. They planned to incite war between muslims and Christians causing them to
fight and lose their jobs, giving the State an excuse to torture them. The State circulated a top secret letter titled: "Religion
Is an Obstacle to the Revolution."
Details of the Secret Destroying Decree, quotations
from Birhan Family Bulletin. Number 1: Part One: The Church
1. The more important monasteries and churches should be converted into museums from which the oppressed