Page 18 - Then Came the Glory
P. 18

 Then Came the Glory
masses could draw valuable lessons. The list should include the monasteries and churches of Axum, Debre Damo, Lalibella, Debre Libanos, Zuquala, and the principal monasteries in Gojam, Gondar, Wollo, and important
churches in Addis Ababa and Art Galleries.
2. All books of the church written with lame thinking
(consciousness) for the exploitation of the feudalists, as Book of the Kings, Book of Mirac, Hynm of Music of Yared,
together with books about miracles of saints and the Ark must be confiscated.
3. When the antique treasures of clerical robes found in large monasteries and churches (widespread in the rural
areas) are used in the services, they magnify the previous exploitation system and seem to mock the oppressed people. Therefore, all of these materials must be gathered. Some may remain in the country but most should be sent to a friendly country. Where this is not feasible, they should be destroyed.
4. Since the pope in power has limited education and comes from the oppressed class and his educational
background is limited, he can therefore be manipulated to become an unwitting instrument for the anti-religious
campaign. He has already declared in one sermon that Christ himself propagated socialism. He should be encouraged to elaborate and spread this theme. Priests and church workers who can be depended on to spread the illusion of
compatibility between Christianity and Conununism should be carefully selected and placed as close to the Patriarch as
possible and to preach continually "The message of Christ is Socialism."
5. In addition to measures calculated at weakening the church's independent sources of income, steps should be

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