Page 20 - Then Came the Glory
P. 20
Then Cam the Glory
Assign someone to expose the monks' fornication and
adultery to the people and frame-up scandals.
10. Invite comrades posing as popes from friendly
countries to preach to the priests. Prepare books extolling
socialism in the Amharic language for the comrades to give to the priests.
11. Since the Ethiopian clergy are suspicious, the
agitation much be arranged with great caution, so the cause does not suffer reproach.
12. The existing effort to foment dissension and divisions among the monks in the Ethiopian Monastery of Jerusalem must continue and be intensified. Increase the number of security guards travelling with pilgrims on
pilgrimages because of the large number of monks found in the monasteries of Jerusalem.
Part Two: Moslems
At this time the voice of Islam religions is heard
emphatically because of the Arab's wealth and petro-dollars. Even though Moslems are fewer in number among the
oppressed mass, yet the former Bourgeois system has exalted them the same as Christianity; both are a barrier to
Since the sabotage of imperialism strangles the
revolution, religious beliefs must be eliminated. Oppression of the Moslems requires a special technic and agitating them
must follow a precise plan. It is also advantageous to exploit the historical antagonism between Moslem and Christians to increase conflict between them.
It is necessary to massacre them since they claim the missionaries have organized the Liberation movement in