Page 19 - Then Came the Glory
P. 19
Fcdkd Propaganch
taken to restrict the availability, and gradually remove from the market those materials such as wax candles and raisins (used for the making of sacramental wine) required in church services and rituals.
6. Regular church attenders should be identified by a network of informers and systematically discouraged from further attendance by a combination of the following measures; direct offer of monetary incentives, the threat of withdrawal of food ration permits, and loss of jobs.
7. The media must educate the masses by continually
ridiculing religion. The propaganda must emphasize:
a. The world we live in is concrete reality
and material tasks, and not of spirit and morals as the back ward looking reactionaries want us to believe.
b. Religion is always an obstacle to the liberation of oppressed people.
c. Every youth who wants to be a deacon or
lay helper must be discouraged and introduced to worldly activities and offered attractive incentives in other careers to
prevent followers in the future.
8. To assume that the pseudo-bourgeois who fell
through the cracks with the advent of revolution can be saved is a mistake. Consider those who occasionally bowed at a
church or a Mosque anti-revolutionaries and kill everyone who has shown a tendency toward a religious belief—whether in churches or homes.
9. Since the power of religion lies in overwhelming the masses with rituals, mystery, and piety, we must tear down the curtain and afflict them. The awe, respect, and moral authority that the clergy and the church inspire must be methodically undermined. Women cadres^must pretend to be nuns and go to the monasteries to seduce the monks.