Page 14 - Then Came the Glory
P. 14

 Then Came the Glory
appalling magnitude of horror, suffering, and bloodshed beyond comprehension by the Western world, they began with the murder of sixty senior officials, large numbers of
students and religious leaders, and anyone else whom they disliked or who opposed them. Their wholesale slaughter obliterated entire villages and towns. In places they selected random innocent victims and ravaged whole areas in the countryside to firighten people into subjection. People who missed the bombs either starved to death or got rounded up like cattle and shipped to "villagization centers".
Some still cannot forget the dead bodies lying here and there on city sidewalks. Families who risked claiming the bodies of their loved ones had to pay a fee for the bullet that took their lives, many families did not know where to
look for the bodies of missing members and the Derg forbade all of them to mourn, to share their grief, or to offer each other solace in the time-honored tradition of all faiths.
The "Red Terror" began in the middle of 1975 and continued until 1977. Sons killed their fathers, and brothers
betrayed each other. The terror focused on young students and women in the provinces, streets and bars. The EPRP and
the MESPM killed each other with automatic rifles. It
became especially risky for the house to house fellowship. When the politicians met to plan the next attack, they placed an open Bible on a table for a blind, when the government
perceived this tactic, they arrested and tortured everyone found in a meeting or fellowship. Mistaken for political
opponents, many innocent people died.
When the Derg realized that churches and mosques
attracted huge crowds of people seeking comfort and
strength, they began a plan of infiltration into the leadership ranks of the Ethiopian Orthodox church. Thev found a man

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