Page 138 - Then Came the Glory
P. 138
Then Came the dory
ministry of the gospel."
I found it hard to believe and said, "If this is true, let
it come through Brother Tekle or Sister Erkenesh."
When I went to the Friday night service Brother Tekle said, "Don't leave; Sister Erkenesh has a message for
you." She confirmed what the Lord had told me. Even though my heart accepted it, I feared the people would not accept me. I wondered whether it would be best if I went to Sidamo where my past is not known?
I asked the Lord for a sign showing me where He wanted me to labor and He answered with a vision of the families who would be saved in Wollayta. Again, I prayed. Please confirm this by rry leaders. The next day I went to
pray in a cave in Mount Tabor and heard a loud voice say. You will hear your answer from Brother Tekle.
I hurried to the Wednesday evening service and Bro. Tekle said, "You must go to Wollayta to begin your
ministry. Joy filled my heart. With all doubts banished, I knelt before Brother Tekle for prayer and when he prayed
the Holy Ghost lit up my heart.
I resigned my job saying, "Jesus will be my salary."
The next day I took my family to Wollayta and God opened a door for me. Revival has blessed our efforts and we have
enlarged the church several times and opened twenty branch works from my congregation. We have established one
hundred and twenty churches. Soon after my move to
Wolla)^ Brother Tekle shared with me the grand spiritual truths of salvation and baptized me in the name of Jesus. 1
rejoice to be a servant of that One mighty God.
Her family brought Genie Gemagna to our church;
she had crawled on her belly like a snake for four years. I told the family, "If you believe, she will be healed." I