Page 140 - Then Came the Glory
P. 140
Then Came the Glory
body and healed her. She could wear clothes again and came to church the following Sunday to be baptized in Jesus name.
She received the Holy Ghost and is a faithful servant of the Lord.
The Work in Bale
By Pastor Lencha
One day in my garden I felt like praying, but my mouth closed tightly and I couldn't open it for half an hour.
Finally, I prayed in my heart: Oh, Jesus, show me Your way. Three days later my heart leaped within me as I read
Acts 2:1-4; a loud voice in my ear said. Didn't you ask me to show you my way? I understood the God of heaven is
leading me, though I did not know what to do. He sent sister Emote Wadisso to my house to open the Word to me; it
agreed with the vision and I believed.
I knew I had to be baptized, but I delayed three
months. Instructions came clearly in a night vision. Is cold
food good to eat? Arise and be baptized in my name! I prayed four hours begging the Lord, Please don't come before I can get baptized I walked eight hours to get to Dawit Toshe's house to be baptized and asked him to make it as quickly as possible. The sight of the river delighted me. I hurried into the water and put on Christ. It seemed like paradise to have my sins remitted in His name and I rejoiced with all my might.
The church gave me the responsibility of taking this God-revealed gospel to my district. In 1979 my family and I prayed and witnessed alone. Other denominations rejected us from all social activities and persecuted us. Even my