Page 141 - Then Came the Glory
P. 141

 More Miracles
mother refused to accept my witness.
On my return from a three day journey I saw a large
crowd mourning at my house and heard the sad news, "Your mother is dead." I entered the house weeping and fell on my knees, "Oh Lord, you know we have no place to bury our dead. How can I carry this heavy load? What can I do? What is your plan for us today?"
The Holy Ghost touched me and I called the mourners together and told them, "Stand up and pray." The
willing ones stood with me while I interceded for an hour. Then my mother spoke and after a few minutes sat up.
I said, "See how God works!" and began to walk up and down and preached to the mourners in the house and in the yard. This miracle opened many doors.
On my way to another town, I heard a voice say. Go to KindoAngalla I looked right and left and saw no one, but the voice came again. Go to Kindo Angalla Even though night approached, the moon shone brightly and I walked the nine hour Journey easily. On my arrival I found ten brethren and we began to sing, "Go Fish for Men" on the street. The
villagers came to hear the gospel and thirty-five of them got
baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost.
Four men carried a lame man on a stretcher, asking
prayer. When we prayed, he jumped off the stretcher and began leaping and praising God. He walked to his home that night.
Today, Kindo Angalla has six churches with their own pastors and the people's ears are open to the gospel.
As one of our saints travelled to Keffa he saw a man in a village hemorrhaging violently. He called for oil, anointed him and prayed. The blood stopped immediately. He witnessed to the amazed people and found them hungry

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