Page 143 - Then Came the Glory
P. 143
More Mracles
in its glorious fullness. Soon, the preachers became eager for
baptism in the name of Jesus and asked, "What can we do?"
Wisdom instructed Brother Ejigu, "We will ask
permission for an escort to take us to the river because we want to bathe and wash our clothes, and I can baptize you
God gave them favor and a small gift of money took
away their escort's desire to hurry and the preachers felt grateful for freedom to obey the Lord. Back in the prison things got worse. The police did not allow the prisoners to eat and tortured their feet with rods.
The next day they forced them to walk on those bruised feet and work on road construction. Returning from work, the guards made them slide on their stomachs like a snake.
Maria's husband, Ato Abdissa, a highly respected
man, felt grieved over the inhuman treatment of the
preachers and applied to the authorities to settle the case. The court's verdict; ninety Birr each or three months in jail,
but the church paid the fines and the men had liberty to launch revival in that area. One of the men, Solomon Terfa is a leader and has founded many churches.