Page 145 - Then Came the Glory
P. 145

We bring to your attention the wonders and miracles done in the name of Jesus Christ that contributed to the
growth of the church in Denbidoio sub-section.
Realizing the seriousness of her condition the saints and neighbors felt troubled, wondering how and where Sister
Workinesh Danssi could be buried if she did not live. When she died July 28, 1990, Brother Solomon and a committee went to the Provincial office to apply for a burial place.
They received the curt reply, "We have no place for you to bury your dead."
Twenty-four hours had passed by the time they returned and fell on their faces seeking an answer from
Jesus. While they prayed, life returned to the cold body and Sister Workinesh stood up alive and well. This astonishing miracle moved the hearts of many heathen to obey the gospel. The lady is an ardent worker in the church today.
The daughter of Gobena Geleta served God faithfully and sang in the local Apostolic church choir. When she came home from choir practice one day, her father beat her so severely she ran to the church for protection. He followed

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