Page 146 - Then Came the Glory
P. 146

 Then Came the Glory
her with a spear determined to kill her. The pastor jumped between the girl and her father; he then lifted his spear to kill the pastor, but soldiers came Just in time to save his life.
Frustrated Gobena went home and suddenly became
desperately sick. His heathen neighbors tried to treat him with various remedies; when nothing helped they decided to
take him to the hospital on a horse, but the horse refused to move. They carried him back in his house and he grew steadily worse. Finally in desperation he requested the brethren from the Apostolic church to come pray for him. One prayer brought him healing and a change of heart. When he came to church with a spear and a stone tied at his waist that he planned to throw, he said, "I have fought the Christians with these tools. Now I ask the leaders to loose me from them so I can follow Jesus." After his baptism in water and in the Spirit he has served the Lord faithfully doing whatever needs doing in the church.
From Wollayta, Brother Hezkiel felt led to go to Arba Minch and open a pharmacy-clinic. He found it a
profitable place to witness. He took patients willing to listen to the Word to a private room where he taught them and
prayed with them until they received the Holy Ghost and healing. Local church leaders hearing of this reported it to the communists and the trouble began. They arrested and released him many times, trying to force him to witness only .when off-duty.
During those persecutions, the people dared not respond to a greeting with Praise the Lord, we are fine, for they would be arrested. When anyone said Good morning, one must answer Forward with our bitter struggle! The saints went quietly at night, two by two to secret meetings careful not to sing loudly or draw attention with their

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