Page 147 - Then Came the Glory
P. 147

 A Report to Teklemariam
In the beginning of the work, not being a qualified
preacher, Hezkiel either took his converts to Wollayta for baptism or asked a preacher to come and baptize them. Not many of them desired even a brief visit in this dangerous area. Brother Tekle wisely decided the long-suffering Hezkiel
qualified and the leaders of the church ordained him on July 4, 1982.
By this time his congregation numbered thirty- seven. A week after his ordination, as Hezkiel journeyed on a bus
to mourn his uncle's death, God warned him with the
memory of another minister's wimess that Satan had attacked his saints with the same spirit of delusion Brother Samuel
Jejersso had experienced. The words came: Let the dead
bury the dead Instead of going to mourn for your uncle, return and save your church .
Returning, he foimd a woman had given a prophecy by Satan saying, "I am Jesus, your God, and I will fill all of you with my Spirit by Sunday." When he walked into the church God gave him 2 Corinthians 11:14: ...for Satan
himself is transfonmd into an angel of light. He told the
people, "Even though he called himself Jesus, Satan spoke to
you to bring confusion."
When he rebuked the devil in that sister, she said,
"We are legion. We became aimoyed with this true gospel
beginning so powerfully in this region so we came to deceive the people and destroy the work." They cast the devil out in
the name of Jesus, and the believers agreed God gave them
knowledge to understand Satan's work. The church is
strengthened in the Spirit.
The church had purchased a hut at Limat Sefer for
a place of worship, and plaimed for another fellowship a few 133

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