Page 149 - Then Came the Glory
P. 149
A Report to Teklemariam
rumor, "This is the man who distributed the American dollars sent to the Pentes by the CIA for insurrection; he must be arrested before he corrupts the young people's minds."
For ten months Hezkiel hid here and there from his accusers. He spent fifteen days in Brother Mulat's kitchen, where they sneaked in a little food to keep him alive. With his enemies hot on his trail he went to Are^ and stayed with Brother Gentu Gelesew. The Administrator found him there and arrested his host for a day saying, "Why do you shelter this Pente leader who has turned Arba Minch up-side-down?" Hezkiel slipped away to Brother Ashe's place in Hanchuch.
Since the government confiscated his pharmacy,
Hezkiel had no income, but he testified that all during this
troublesome time, God miraculously provided for him and
his family. Finally with the call renewed by Jesus saying, /
cm still in control, go to Arba Mnch, he returned and
encouraged the saints with his account of ten months of miracles and wonders.
Those imprisoned in Hezkiel's absence remained
faithful and God increased the number of believers to fifty-
five. A typist for the COPWE repented and wanted to be
baptized. Hezkiel took her and six others who wanted to
follow the Lord through the water to the river at ten o'clock
at night. When soldiers who followed them secretly appeared
with flashlights, Hezkiel encouraged his fearful flock with
the story of soldiers who came to take Elisha as told in 2
Kings 6:15-19 and God struck them blind. "We have no alternative but to ask the Lord to close their eyes," Hezkiel
said and led his little flock in prayer. The soldiers came
near, shone their lights full on the pastor and his group standing in the water, and passed by without a word.