Page 150 - Then Came the Glory
P. 150

 Then Came the Glory
A short time later two women wanted baptism. They followed the river to its source hoping to avoid interference. With mission accomplished, sundown overtook them on the way home, and two girls joined them who had been hunting firewood. Unknowingly they took a short cut across the prison farm, and the guards raised their guns to kill these unknown intruders.(They had killed two thieves the day before on these grounds.) With uplifted gun, the guard yelled, "Halt! Who are you?" and the frightened girls wanted to run away.
Raising his hands toward heaven. Brother Hezkiel answered, "In Jesus name, we are men of God."
"What are you doing here this time of night?" one
guard asked.
Before he could answer, another guard who knew
Hezkiel answered for him, "They have come to hunt these girls who went to the forest to collect firewood and foolishly stayed too long."
He turned and rebuked the girls, "Why didn't you return in daylight hours? Why have you made a problem for this man by staying so late in the forest?"
The guards courteously escorted them to town.
The wife of a denominational minister became demon
possessed at Woze Shara, a near-by rural area. Her husband brought her to Arba Munich seeking help and took her to a wizard. The wizard beat her with a whip trying to cure her, but it didn't help. One of the church sisters witnessed to her husband saying, "If you will believe Jesus and come to Him,
He will heal you and your wife." She brought the man to Hezkiel who taught him the Word, and he received it with
joy, requesting baptism immediately.
Afterward, Hezkiel took several believers with them

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