Page 142 - Then Came the Glory
P. 142

 Then Came the Glory
for God. We have now built three churches in that area from the fruit of that witness.
Brother Tekle wrote a tract titled, Do You Want to Be Saved? I gave a copy to a communist teacher; it made
him so angry he threw it away and lent his Bible to some one to get it out of his house. He then displayed bulletins and books of the revolution prominently in attractive folders. That night as he slept an angel beat him with a big whip, saying. You put the word of men in a nice flolder; what did you do with the Word of God?
Early the next morning he sent a message to one of the saints, "Because I threw away the tract, an angel beat me
all night. I want Lencha; where is he?"
Since other commitments detained me, I couldn't go but I sent a message, "If it is the Lord, you will be beaten
again tonight; if it is Satan, he will not return."
With a troubled heart, he asked his wife to help him and they searched in vain the whole night for the tract. The
next morning he said, "I may die today, swallowed by fear if I don't do something. I've got to see Lencha."
We got together that day and when I explained the
gospel he gladly obeyed and today, no longer a communist, he lives as a friend of God.
Gifted to witness. Sister Maria won her sister and her mother, Tijube. Because of her, several full Gospel
preachers gathered at Tijube's house for a meeting with Brother Ejigu in Hawa Gallen, Kelem District. The police
interrupted the service and took all of them to jail. Brother Eiiau reioiced over ample time to teach the doctrine of Jesus

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