Page 139 - Then Came the Glory
P. 139

 More Mracles
rebuked the disease and she immediately stood up. Her conversion brought many of the villagers to the church.
Zecharias Gagaba lost his mind and if his family did not keep him tied to a tree he would run away. One prayer in the name of Jesus restored him and they released him from the log.
Doctors at the hospital told the family of Germem Gantd to take him home since he could not live. By the time
they brought him to me he had died and the body looked horrible. Even though they wanted to hurry on, we gave
them some Bible teaching before we prayed for him without
expecting an answer. But instantly his life returned and he sat up. His rising from the dead brought many souls to
Hunchback Alemu Assaro got sick unto death and his
family brought him to me for prayer. As I called on the Lord, the demon in him screamed and made him wallow on the floor until it knocked him out. He appeared dead, then before our eyes he stood up with a straight back healed of his sickness. Even better than healing, he found the joys of salvation and became a dynamic soul-winner.
Ansom Amajo suffered a strange disorder; with her
body bent double and her arms and legs intertwined, she looked pitiful. Along with her physical problems, her mind
seemed confused. We went to her house to witness and learned that would-be healers had forbidden her to eat food or drink water for six months (she had not fully obeyed those weird instructions).
With our first prayer, her mind cleared and we talked to her about the Word of God. We said, "Call on the name of Jesus and He will heal you."
As she cried to Jesus repeatedly. He straightened her 19S

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