Page 166 - Then Came the Glory
P. 166
Then Came the Glory
for judgement to strike us, but it came to them instead.
In another place a group met to conspire against us and lightening struck the house and burned it, though none of the people suffered harm. Fair thinking folks began to say, "If thunder and lightening strikes the places where the people denounce the Apostolic Church, then the God of the
Apostolics must be the real God."
Brother Mulugeta testified when they called another
conference to protect their people from the Apostolics, the local authorities came armed with machine guns and bombs and surroimded them saying, "The followers of the Apostolic faith do not get drunk, but you are drunkards. The Apostolics do not steal, but you are thieves." After insulting and degrading them, they broke up the conference and said, "No one is allowed to preach here but the Apostolic Church."
A woman in that area possessed of unclean spirits had lived in sorcery for thirty-five years. She tried hospitals and holy waters often to find relief but only grew worse and lost all hope for recovery. The brothers went to her house to witness, but Satan spoke through her with threats, "You better watch out. I am a god and I will hurt you."
The believers continued praying and laid hands on her in Jesus name and the devil came out with a scream of
anguish. She happily followed the Lord in baptism in water and received the Holy Spirit. Today she rejoices continually,
"Praise God, I have been delivered from living death." With the Derg's overthrow and its militia dispersed,
desperate men sold their arms for food putting guns and bombs in the hands of the irresponsible. Some of them who
before threw stones now threw bombs in our midst as we prayed. In God's marvelous goodness none of those bombs