Page 165 - Then Came the Glory
P. 165
By an Eyewitness
People from many different areas are brought by God to Addis Ababa to find true salvation. They are strictly
taught their responsibility to witness to their families and friends when they go to visit their home village or town. The
headquarters church plays a large role in spreading the
gospel all over the country.
The gospel is the powerful light of God and is
spreading fast in Chelia Province. Those who have accepted the faith witness fervently to each other, and those who
reject the truth fight the church with diligence. They have
passed the stage of don't ^eet them and don't go near them to the stage of beat them, arrest them, stop them at any cost. At a conference in Des Babis the nominal preachers met to insult us and curse us. When we heard about it we fell on our faces and prayed, "Lord, save these people from
their wicked ways. Send a sign to show them they are
wrong." As we prayed on a sunny day, lightening struck their conference and killed four of them. Thev had prayed